Yeti Cloud and Its Advantages

yeti cloud and it's advantages

There are a lot of instances when we hear the word ‘Cloud’ when someone talks about data. To be more specific, people often say my data is stored in the cloud and is completely safe.

But what actually is a cloud and how does it store data? 

While it’s easy for individuals with technical backgrounds to understand what cloud is, it’s quite confusing for people from different backgrounds.

However, with the fast-paced evolution of technology, it’s quite important for everyone to understand the fundamental concepts such as cloud storage as these technologies have been integral to our daily life. 

So, with an aim to make the concept of cloud clearer to any one from any background, in this blog we will be exploring the basics about the cloud, its types, working as well benefits.

What is a Cloud? 

Clouds are a vast network of remote servers that are usually placed offsite and are used by organizations to store and manage their data by the use of the internet.

Opposed to data that are stored in personal computers or local drives, the cloud makes it possible for organizations to store and manage data in remote servers that can be accessed through the internet. 

In real life, it’s the cloud that makes it possible for us to restore our data and applications when our physical device is lost or damaged.

As the data is stored in a cloud that is based on remote locations, we can regain access to our data with the help of the internet even if our device is physically damaged or lost. 

Types of Cloud 

Now that we know what clouds are, it’s time for us to move ahead and find out different types of clouds.

There are three different types of cloud based on the hosting and management of its underlying structure. Let’s get to know about different types of clouds one by one. 

1. Public Cloud:

A public cloud is a type of cloud that is offered by third-party cloud service providers over the public internet.

Public clouds are accessible to anyone interested in using or purchasing them and are shared by several organizations. 

Simply understand a public cloud as a rented space available for anyone to store their data. The space is owned by a third-party service provider and it offers space for a certain fee.

As a renter you just need to sign up for the space and it allows you to store all of your data.

The service provider is the one that manages all software, hardware, and other infrastructures for running the cloud.

2. Private Cloud:

A private cloud is one where the cloud services are available for only a single organization and there are no shared resources.

Unlike public clouds, private clouds restrict access to the public over the public internet and are usually built for the specific use of the organizations and their employees.

In a private cloud, the owner owns all of the hardware, software as well as other infrastructures and solely uses the cloud for their purposes.

The best thing is you can create your private cloud using resources such as a data center.

On the other hand, you can also opt for private cloud services through a third-party provider that provides specific hardware and software for your organization.

3. Hybrid Cloud:

As the name suggests, a hybrid cloud combines the features and benefits of both public as well as private clouds.

The cloud provides users with combined benefits of both clouds, specifically the direct control of the public cloud and the speed and scalability of the private cloud.

With the use of a hybrid cloud, you can have the benefits of using a rented space that a third party owns as well as space that you own yourself.

Organizations using hybrid clouds usually use public clouds for their primary computing needs and private clouds for storing sensitive and business-critical data.

Cloud Services 

Now that we have gone through the Cloud along with its types, it’s time to move ahead and find out about cloud services.

You might have heard about Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. But what are they and what do they offer? 

Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform are some of the world’s popular companies that offer cloud services.

In simple terms, cloud services are the infrastructure, platforms, and software offered by third-party service providers through the help of the cloud to the public via the Internet. 

Depending upon the level of service and functionality cloud service provides, they are divided into three main categories as follows:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): 

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) involves providing virtualized computing resources over the Internet.

The IaaS cloud service model offers infrastructure such as networking equipment, devices, databases, and web servers on an outsourced basis to support various operations. 

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS):

Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides a platform or environment for developers, system administrators and DevOps teams the option to develop, deploy, and manage applications over the internet.

PaaS makes it easier for developers along with system administrators and DevOps teams as they do not need to take care of the infrastructure and focus on the application development and deployment process. 

3. Software as a Service (SaaS): 

Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud service involves delivering software and applications over the internet.

Instead of building and managing complex software and hardware users can simply use the software by paying subscription fees.

It allows users to use software and applications without going through the hassles of installing and maintaining them locally.

Yeti Cloud – Nepal’s Own Cloud

Now that we have discussed what cloud is and its types, you might be thinking what are the cloud options available for your organization.

If you are looking for cloud options in Nepal then there are a number of alternatives available. But Yeti Cloud is one of the clouds that stands different from others due to its various features.

Let’s find out what is yeti cloud, its advantages and understand why you should opt for it for your organization.

What is Yeti Cloud? 

Yeti Cloud is Nepal’s own cloud that is the only Next-generation, Managed Application Hosting Scalable Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) with one-click setup of applications, Database and other clustering features.

Yeti Cloud being a Platform-as-Service offers ready-to-go applications, tools, and services making it easier for your organization to use the cloud services.

Here are some of the advantages of using Yeti Cloud: 

1. Easy Deployment: 

You might find it surprising but the first and the biggest advantage of Yeti Cloud comes with deployment.

You can deploy Node.js, PHP, Java, Ruby, Go, or Python applications to the cloud without any code changes with the tool of your choice such as Docker and GIT or SVN. 

2. Pay-per-use Pricing model: 

Unlike other cloud vendors that have a pay-per-limits pricing model, Yeti Cloud offers a pay-for-usage pricing model.

This means that you’ll be paying for the cloud services for the usage you have made.

This makes it effective to control your costs as you’ll not have to pay for resources you do not use and remains ideal.

3. Easy Scaling and Management:

Yeti Cloud offers easy scaling and management along with pay-per-usage.

While you have the flexibility of paying for the usage, Yeti Cloud also provides you with easy scaling as well as management.

The vertical scaling in real time and horizontal scaling automatically along with an easy web interface make it easy to scale and manage the cloud services.

Features of Yeti Cloud

Besides the advantages such as easy deployment, pay-per-use pricing model, and easy scaling and management, Yeti Cloud has several other features.

Here are some of the features Yeti Cloud has:

1. Zero Downtime:

Offers zero downtime deployment with automatic traffic distribution.

2. High Availability:

Ensures fast setup of clustered and highly available applications.

3. Automatic Scaling:

Worried about scaling? Yeti provides automatic vertical and horizontal scaling. 

4. Built-in Monitoring:

Has built-in monitoring of RAM, CPU, Network, storage, and IO with configurable alert notifications.

5. Management:

Can hibernate, stop, restart, and clone environments.

6. Backup:

Provides backup with a 7-day retention period. 

You may find it useful: 10 Data Backup Strategies and their Best Practices: 2024


Clouds are simply networks of servers that are used by organizations to store and manage data through the use of the internet.

Depending upon the hosting and management of its underlying structure clouds are classified into public, private, and hybrid. 

On the other hand cloud services are infrastructure, platforms, and software offered by third-party service providers through the cloud via the use of the Internet.

Cloud services are divided into IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS-based on the service and functionality they provide. 

Yeti Cloud is Nepal’s own cloud that offers scalable Platform as a Service (PaaS) alternatives.

Easy deployment, scaling, and management along with a pay-per-use pricing model are some of the advantages of Yeti Cloud.

With numerous features such as zero downtime and built-in monitoring, you can fully depend upon Yeti Cloud in case you are looking for cloud services in Nepal.

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