DataHub DNS

Why do you need DataHub's premium DNS service?

The DNS is like an open address book. If your website is without the protection of a reliable DNS service, it can experience DNS disruptions and suddenly go offline.

Take your business to the next level of speed with DATAHUB's Premium DNS Service

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Managed DNS

DataHub Managed DNS Service allows users to manage their DNS by using a web-based control panel with redundant name servers across the globe.

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Professional Features and Tools

DATAHUB DNS provides a large number of professional features and tools for Primary, Secondary and Reverse DNS. We support all types of DNS records and settings you need. Additionally, we provide Web Forwarding, Dynamic DNS, Domain parking, DNS statistics, zone sharing, TTL management and much more.

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Fast DNS queries

Get faster responses to DNS queries with a global network of name servers. Anycast networking allows DNS queries to automatically route to the closest name servers for the best possible performance.

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Quick updates to DNS records

Use your DNS records right away. When you add a new DNS record, DataHub DNS name servers are updated in a just a few seconds.

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DDoS protected DNS

Using a DDoS Protected plan will make your DNS resistant to different types and sizes of DDoS attacks. It fits great to every site owner who is searching for more security and the best possible uptime.

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100% Uptime

DataHub Managed DNS guarantees up to 100% uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA)

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24 X 7 Support

No matter what day, no matter when, we provide continuous, uninterrupted network monitoring and support. Our Technical Support team is online for you 24/7.


Domain query reports and statistics

Get insights of the total number of queries on an hourly basis of your DNS zone from statistics the platform captures.

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Free SSL Certificate

Ensure user and data protection while maintaining web app performance by using DataHub DNS for TLS. Simplify TLS certificate generation, keeping them current to prevent browser security warnings and avoid search engine ranking drops.

Improve web performance - reduce the time needed to send content and rich media to users.

Fast DNS Query
DataHub DNSGodaddy PDNSAWSCloudflareDigital OceanAzure
DDOS ProtectionYesYesYesYesYesYes
Local SupportYesNoNoNoNoNo
Easy ManagementYesYesYesYesYesYes
DNS Record FailoverYesNOYesYesNo

DataHub DDoS Protected plan will make your DNS resistant to different types and sizes of DDoS attacks. Some of them are Botnet attack resistance, etc that provides better speed and Cost-effectiveness. And our DDoS protected DNS plan also benefit from Unlimited DNS queries. Our DNS servers are anycast DNS which is a powerful network routing technique that improves your website’s performance and availability. It guarantees visitors are connected to the nearest DNS server, resulting in faster response times and improved website availability.