Why Backup-as-a-Service is Important?

There’s no doubt that data is one of the most valuable assets a company owns today. While the digital landscape is growing rapidly, the importance of data is growing like never before, and we can expect it to grow unconditionally in the near future. To no surprise, it is estimated that 463 exabytes of data will be created each day by 2025. What brings with the substantial growth in the creation of data is the challenge of managing and storing the data safely. There have been instances where companies have suffered significant downfall due to data loss. Reports show that almost 60% of small companies leave business within six months after a data breach or cyber attack. Whether it be from user error, hackers, natural disasters, or malware, it’s of utmost importance for businesses to keep their data safe. Keeping this in mind, in this blog, we’ll be exploring the prevention of data loss and its recovery. What is a Backup-as-a-Service? Backup-as-a-Service, or BaaS, is a cloud-based solution in which a third-party backup provider manages data storage and Backup of an organization. Unlike traditional practices where data is stored on-premises using tape drives, external hard drives, or dedicated servers, Backup-as-a-Service involves data backup to a remote, cloud-based server. Backup as-a-Service has been gaining popularity recently because of its flexibility, scalability, and ease of implementation. With a Backup-as-a-Service, an organization can focus on its core business activities without worrying about the data. Importance of Backup-as-a-Service (Baas) Let’s discuss the importance of Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS). As data is one of the most valuable assets a company owns, let’s explore why Backup-as-a-service is important for the prevention of data loss. 1. Enhanced Data Security: One of the significant risks companies are exposed to is the potential loss of data due to data breaches. Securing data against threats is crucial. BaaS service providers take data security seriously. Your valuable data is stored at secure remote locations with additional encryption for protection. This significantly minimizes the risk of data threat and loss due to hackers, admin/user error, or even natural disasters. 2. Business Continuity: Loss of data poses an organization with several threats, including financial and non-financial risks. The financial risk involves requiring additional funds to recover the lost data. While companies with enough capital can manage additional funds, it takes a lot of work for small companies. In addition to the financial risks, non-financial risks such as loss of reputation, legal problems, and productivity loss are also caused by data loss. This ultimately affects the entire operation of an organization and poses a question mark to its continuity. With BaaS in a place where all your data is safely backed up, you can minimize the financial and non-financial risks arising from data loss. 3. Quick and Efficient Data Recovery: There have been instances when an organisation takes significant time and effort for the recovery of data. The time taken for data recovery can affect the entire organization’s operation. BaaS ensures quick and efficient data recovery in the event of data loss. This is because the BaaS provider stores your data in multiple locations, independent of one another. In the event of data loss, organizations can restore their data from the cloud where your data is backed up. The easy and quick data recovery helps organizations minimize downtime and continue their operations swiftly. 4. Benefits of Backup-as-a-service: Besides data security, safety, and recovery, which are must-haves for an organization, Backup-as-a-service has several other advantages. The benefits of BaaS are cost, accessibility, and flexibility, to name a few. Let’s explore some of the benefits of Backup-as-a-service, 5. Cost Reduction: Choosing a third-party BaaS service provider can reduce capital expenditures and operational costs. This is simply because the BaaS service provider will provide all your data storage and safety services for a subscription fee. First, it will reduce your capital expenditures as you don’t need to invest in upfront capital expenses such as hardware, software licenses, and infrastructure. On the other hand, the service provider will provide remote management and support services. So, you don’t need an on-premises IT staff to be involved in day-to-day backup operations. 5. Enhanced Scalability and Flexibility: The need for data backup and storage in your organization might fluctuate over time. With Backup-as-a-service, you can quickly scale up or down your backup capacity. Unlike traditional ways of backing up data, you don’t need to invest in additional hardware or software if your backup requirement increases. In contrast, you can quickly scale down your backup capacity if your data backup needs decrease. 6. Ease of Management and Use: Backup-as-a-service provides organizations with a high level of convenience. Since the service provider owns all the hardware equipment, there’s no need for management from your side. As an organization, you only need to connect to the cloud and use the managed cloud services. It’s all on the service provider to manage the infrastructure and software. 7. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: The BaaS service provider looks after all the data backup and storage. This frees the organization of the data protection, safety, and backup burden. This makes it possible for organizations to focus on their core business activities. This helps in improving the efficiency of organizations. In addition to that, the ability to swiftly recover data reduces downtime without any effect on productivity. How to choose a BaaS Service Provider? Going through the importance and benefits of Backup-as-a-service, you might have realized why Backup-as-a-service is essential. What’s equally crucial with BaaS is choosing the right BaaS service provider. Let’s now have a look into how to choose the right BaaS service provider, 1. Assess your requirements: The BaaS service provider you will be choosing will be directly dependent upon your business or organization’s backup and recovery needs. First, you need to determine your organization’s backup and recovery requirements. After you assess your organization’s needs, use it to make choices among the BaaS providers. You’ll have to consider your organizational factors, such as data volume, recovery time